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"The history of art is about outsiders, who risk themselves, who use themselves up."

An Artist Inside

by Philip Dubov


"No matter what I do
or think
or dream,
there's always the knowledge that I'm doing life."

Con Artist

by Dannie Martin



by Stephen Dubov

Dubov's article from the December, 1996 edition of the Pacific Rim Sculptor's Group publication, PRSG News

Sculptural Boundaries: Essays On Sculpture Sculptural Boundaries: Essays On Sculpture
Sculptural Boundaries: Essays On Sculpture Sculptural Boundaries: Essays On Sculpture
Writing--Selections from a Prison Journal

Three scoops of cheap freeze-dried coffee, three cubes of sugar with an equal portion of instant-non-dairy creamer. . . all sloshed together in my plastic mug with tap-hot-water, stirred with a plastic spoon and gulped down . . .

another day falls open.

Selections From A Prison Journal

The Vens--Details of History and Form

Contact Dubov
